February 20, 2014

Day 1 of the 90-Day Challenge

I'm challenging myself like I never have before:

The biggest part of this challenge (for me) is the "no alcohol" rule.  I love wine.  I love it so much that my friends have come up with a phrase about it:

"I'm on that wine and I can't get off it!"

It's cute and funny, but I feel like my love for wine is KILLING my fitness goals.  I feel like it's the barrier between me and my six pack.  So I'm testing out this theory for 90 days.  I'm excited to see the outcome of this challenge.  I'm not trying to reach a certain weight or size.  I just want to feel confident and happy about my body.

So here are my "numbers" for Day 1:

weight - 151.4
waist - 35.5

Normally, I'd be mortified to share this info, but it's time to get real.
I have to track my progress (even though I'm not focusing on
the numbers), so I chose my weight and waist size to monitor.
So here's to 90 days of hard work and healthy living!

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